

Don't Forget to Give Thanks!

Don't Forget to Give Thanks!

Since everything takes a village...

Don't forget to give thanks to those you love! Just sharing some free apps I've used to send little thank you notes or make simple gifs and videos.

I also love these to show off some of our adventures in tiny little clips. 🤩


My husband helped my put this together, a small token to send out to our beloved nanny for all her help, especially while she was out sick for a couple weeks. (He is a software designer, and I am an engineer, so he has the more artsy skills, but we both love to tinker with things, online and off!) I sometimes find myself coming back to these sites and always have to try to remember where I made them once, so just putting those apps all in one place.

I love the simplicity of a note, and learning how to make ads-free gifs and videos can sometimes seem overwhelming. So hopefully this post can be useful to come back to, in those moments you need to make a quickie invite, message, or thank you note out of the blue. (also I love this idea for birthday messages!).

All of this can be done straight from your phone.



  • Gif Maker (app, 3 day free version of paid $10/month). Once you make a gif, you cannot really edit it, so we use the app below to make changes to an existing one:

    • EzGIF (free site to make edits to any existing gif or video. if you want a higher-quality download, you have to pay). We used this to frame the GIF in one view, slow it down, etc.

  • Canva (app, free version!)

  • And if you just wanted to make a video (splice other smaller videos together), my favorite app is InShot (and an easy way to make your video ad-free is to just click on the logo once you made your video, and remove it).

Every app has its upgrades, so you can play with the video quality (To make the image more clear, the more space it takes up, and more likely you have to pay, etc). But you can choose how detailed you want to get!

My Health Journey

My Health Journey